Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trading Scarves for Suncreen

While woozy at times from jet lag and not completely myself just yet, I am continuing to venture in this exotic, strange, cool and unreal land. The word of the moment has most definitely got to be unreal.

We went to the market around the corner from the apartment where temporary stalls were set up selling organic produce, clothes, books, honey, baked goods, furniture and everything in between. Marrickville definitely has an artsy, post-industrial and accessible vibe that I quite like. We wandered the market, witnessed a petting zoo where all the animals were hanging out together and being fondled and chased by children and then sampled the most unreal dumplings I have ever tasted. Unreal.

Hot, fresh, and light. Savory, precious, delicious. Full sentences cannot describe these dumplings. It’s the beginning of discovering the Asian influences on this continent methinks.

In the afternoon, it was time for the quintessential Sydney activity, regardless of my state of jet lag: we were going to the beach. The whole day was still unreal. Putting on sunscreen instead of wrapping myself in layers and scarves was a welcome change but still strange. Stepping onto the beach, I was just laughing. Sand? Waves? Bathing-suited masses? It was all much too much (but I was loving it nonetheless, of course). Last week I was braving the cold, this week I’m swimming in the Pacific. I was so glad to enter the water and swim and discover that my little tootsies (those would be my toes) did not react negatively to the water (they go white and painful in reaction to cold). All I know is I’ll be getting back to the beach soon enough, soaking up the vibe. More description to come, stay tuned.

For now, I’m working on waking up, getting with it, and plugging in. The adventures in Sydney proper (currently, I’m on the outskirts) will begin soon enough. As will the uploading of photos.

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