Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Urgency of the Weekend

Every time the week comes to a close and Friday night looms along with the freedom and promise of Saturday, I've got this sense of anxiety, urgency, anticipation that bubbles up. Every time.

I'm not really sure what it is, this feeling. There's this inner expectation that I need to go out, I need to party, I need to meet wild new people. It's a bit silly when I sit down to write about it. After all, Friday and Saturday are just other days, just other nights, and all those people who are out and about are just normal people. So why the expectation?

Perhaps it stems from this need for fun, this need for something exterior... I keep coming back to the realization that celebrating the moment, the people you are with, the moments you have is just the best thing to do.

So when the anxiety and urgency bubbles up, I just have to breathe, decide what would make me happy, plan the things I can, and enjoy the rest...


perezvila™ said...

I have always been "old" for my age... like, for several things i have come up to be more mature than the rest of the pl my age... and i always come to have friends that are 10 or 12 years older than me...

I've never come to the conclusion whether this was a possitive or a negative thing... until recently, i realised that i have lost anxiety. I have expectation, happines, i wonder about whats going to happen... but more and more, the signs of anxiety desappear...

That! is a good thing... i never never enjoyed been anxious... and if that means i grew. (up, or old...) i'm finally really cool about it....

Have a BEATIFUL week

Vincent said...

You're right, Stefan, there is something in the air on those nights. You catch the urgency as one catches an infection. Days of the week have their own zeitgeist, even when one is retired from the tidal swell of work and leisure. These things are imprinted on our circuits like the circadian rhythms.

Stefan said...

it's a funny thing, but i am trying to just plan a little, allow a lot, and let life be